

Quarto (abbreviated 4to or ) is a book or pamphlet produced from full 'blanksheets', each of which is printed with eight pages of text, four to a side, then folded twice to produce four leaves (that is, eight book pages). Each printed page now presents as one-fourth size of the full blanksheet.” – Wikipedia accessed 21 June 2013

Now the term is used to describe the size of books roughly 24 x 30cm, regardless of the aforementioned folding.

SMB library quarto shelves

Image SMB library quarto shelves by moonflowerdragon used under creative commons licence. Some rights reserved.

Trying out Instagram’s new video option I attempted to record the making of a quarto from a sheet of butcher’s paper. For some reason it won’t play in the website view of instagram – just fine in the app. So I had to upload it to Youtube for this quite pathetic video – but I just have to try new things. 

Mashable has a post on how to embed instagram videos.
