
fas·ci·cle [fas-i-kuh-l]

A section of a book or set of books published in instalments as separate pamphlets or volumes.

Here is a work about a particular set of fascicles.

1995, English, Book, Illustrated edition:Emily Dickinson's fascicles : method & meaning / Dorothy Huff Oberhaus.Oberhaus, Dorothy Huff.

Emily Dickinson's fascicles : method & meaning / Dorothy Huff Oberhaus

Bookmark: http://trove.nla.gov.au/version/37533473
Physical Description
260 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, c1995.


I don’t have any stories to tell about fascicles. I’ve never catalogued any, I don’t recall reading any – although perhaps a blog post is a virtual fascicle.
