Web slides on Diigo

Exploring Diigo further I have found that a list of links can be used to generate a set of slides. They call this Webslides.

Here is a set of slides from a public list of project management links I saved recently.

The slides use a cached version of the links which should help to limit surprises if you are using this for a presentation and pages have changed.

Might use this when I'm running short on time for creating slide sets.


Michael Rees said…
Great. I was looking for something like this last week for my advanced web apps class lectures. Someone else had mentioned this facility in Diigo but when I searched their home page all I found was Linkrolls which are entirely different.

How did you find the Webslides page? There is no mention of this on the main Diigo home page.

I had another look at Trailfire.com but that is too messy with popups everywhere.

For my advanced subjects I have gone away from traditional slides entirely. I have been using ad hoc lists of links in wiki pages on iLearn (Blackboard). Webslides will add much better structure.

Thanks again for this post.

Peta said…
my pleasure. Having created a couple of public lists in diigo, i then clicked on the list name in the left navigation. The view as webslides button appeared (i think top right) on the page.