Yammer seems to be taking off at last at MPOW, to the extent that some of us had a yamup and met for a coffee to talk about social media. I decided to try prezi meeting and thought this SOME (social media) coffee group might be like to try it.
I shared the link with the group on Yammer and one person jumped in almost immediately which was very cool as I could see the collaboration features in action, rather than go back to see later what others had added to it.
It was easy to figure out what was happening with the collaborator’s avatar moving and the option to either view their work, or look at other regions. Skype or IM (or even an old-fashioned telephone) is needed to add conversation to the experience – but I resorted to just typing some words into the prezi since this is just to experience the meeting features.
I’m sure someone creative could come up with ideas for a game that could be played using this. I was thinking of a quiz game, where competitors have to go look up some question and then add the answer into the prezi before moving onto the next question.