Running with Breeding, Cervone et al

I bought myself a Creative Zen x-fi as a birthday present, with the thought that i should really start to make more use of podcasts for professional development.

In recent weeks I have gone walking and jogging listening to some of the SirsiDynix Institute audio recordings. Marshall Breeding's presentation on taking web 2.0 to the enterprise level was particularly useful for a paper I'm currently writing.

The Zen X-fi has an SD card slot to increase the available storage. Content on the card is accessed from a separate menu to the content stored on the portable device itself. I like this as I can keep the podcast files separate from the music and they can be quickly transferred from desktop (or laptop) via card reader, rather than have to manage the files in the content manager (Creative Centrale) that comes with the device. The software is just fine, but without contravening the user licence I can't install it both at home and work. However, home is where I manage my music and photos, but work is where I download professional development audio recordings.

Improving my mind, while improving my fitness is not the only method. I'm writing this beside the pool,on a deck chair, while listening to Frank Cervone discuss trends in eLearning.

PD by the pool using Creative Zen x-fi
