oh for a Google search results feed

Yes I know about Google alerts, but for someone who eschews email in favour of RSS - well nuff said. Google does offer a feed for search results in Google News, but not for general searches. So I tried setting up a page2RSS feed for a Google Search. This is what I got for my search for "Flickr" ...

0.05Search Marketing ExpoLearn ho to get the most out ofLinkedin Facebook MySpace TwitterWelcome to Flickr!m.flickr.com | Sign in. 1 Photos from everyone 2 Explore recent photos. Search for photos:. Your Privacy | Terms of Use A Yahoo! company.m..com/ - 3k - Cached - Similar pagesFlickr BlogIf you’d like to contribute a photo, please check out the full details in Flickr Turns 4 (description and group rules are available in Traditional Chinese, ...blog..net/ - 44k - Flickr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a photo sharing website and web services suite, and an online community platform. It was one of the earliest Web 2.0 applications. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flickr - 73k - Flickr Web Services is a photo-sharing community that enables users to upload hundreds of photos and tag each photo with descriptive words. Other users can then search developer.yahoo.com/flickr/ - 18k - O'Reilly Network -- What Is Flickr (and Hot Tips for Using It)2 Aug 2005 ... is an online photo management and sharing application. And it's also one of the most innovative photo services available today.www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mac/2005/08/02/flickr.html?page=1 - 31k - fd's Flickr Toys: Do fun stuff with your photosDo fun stuff with your digital photos. Create motivational posters, movie posters, magazine covers, badges, mosaics, collages, calendars, frames, bighugelabs.com/ - 29k - Flickr LeechA while back I found myself getting addicted to Flickr's Interestingness feature. I spent more than my fair share of time pawing through page after page of www.flickrleech.net/ - 11k - Flickr Related Tag Browser Related Tag Browser requires Macromedia Flash. Get Macromedia Flash. If you have Flash installed, click to view.www.airtightinteractive.com/projects/related_tag_browser/app/ - 2k - MOO.com | Print stickers, MiniCards or NoteCards using your Flickr ...We print products from your Flickr photos. Click a link above to get started or find out more Choose Choose photos from your Flickr photo stream; Crop ...www.moo.com// - 18k -

Not really satisfying.

BTW - Bloglines and others do provide feeds for search results.
