Blogs can be used for anything

Ages back on Libraries Interact I wrote a post about blogs masquerading as different kinds of web sites. These took quite some development by their owners to get the themes/templates right and the plugins sorted to make it do what they needed.

Recently made the Prologue theme available which effectively sets up a wordpress blog as a twitter-like site.
Coming soon is a special theme with additional features to turn WordPress into a contact manager.

WP Contact Manager « WordPress Publisher Blog


Michael Rees said…
WP is certainly proving extremely versatile. Can we expect themes for WP-delicious, WP-flickr and WP-cal? Then we will need multi-theme WP sites to tie it all together. It will be an exciting future! Michael
Unknown said…
WP-intranet, WP-assetmanager, WP-FAQmanager....

the list is endless