2collab - Elsevier steps into social bookmarking

A colleague forwarded me an email about Elsevier's social bookmarking service. It's eye-candy index is definitely 2.0. I haven't signed up as yet, but have read through this "kinda" review, 2collab: A review, kinda.  This was written in late November, it may be that some of the reported bugs have been ironed out by now.

One thing I have noticed is a lack of RSS feeds.

I'll put this on my list of things to investigate.


Peta said…
I'll take that back about RSS feeds. There is a button on the page I was looking at, but it is blue instead of orange so it wasn't very obvious.
And there was no autodiscovery link in the page so my browser didn't alert me. It just goes to show how dependent I've become on IE's 'whistle' telling me when RSS is available.
Anonymous said…
G'day. The day they announced this, I sent an email to the people with their name on the announcement. Told them that I'd like to tell my academics why they should use this over CiteULike or Connontea or del.icio.us - could they please tell me the difference.

Not heard back from them. :)
symons said…
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