live blog post at library 2.0 unconference

Updated with photographs!

This is the first time i've done any live blogging from an (un)conference. I'm at the State Library of Queensland to discuss library 2.0.

This morning we had a great talk from Kathryn Greenhill on what is library 2.0. (her slides with audio are up on Slideshare), then we all gathered in a huge circle to plan the agenda for the day.
Kathryn + Mary

Anne at the Unconference 100 set the agenda

There are librarians from all sectors talking about web 2.0 tools and how they are using them. We were just starting the afternoon session when the fire alarm warning started. So I'm currently perched in an entrance waiting for "the fire alarm has been activated, standby for further instructions".

It's quite noisy and there is now a flock of librarians milling around and coming out of the meeting rooms.

Ahh the noise has stopped - but the networking and conversation is continuing in the corridor.

We have discussed things like - how to implement web 2.0 tools within the constraints of local council marketing and IT requirements. Embedding delicious links in subject guides, Facebook presence, breadcrumbing (putting the library in the web experience of the customer - where ever they might be),

And I've caught up with quite a few people I haven't seen for ages, like Pat Fisher from GCCC Local History Library, Rachael Browning, ex ALIA Director and Auroran, Ellen Thompson QUT Librarian and Auroran, Nicole Kylah from Gatton Library and heaps of others.....

library 2.0 unconference name tags

More later, time to change the battery on the laptop!
