Cites & Insights 7:2 - Conference Speaking posted at Cites & Insights.
"A synthesis post from Walt Crawford re: Transparency & advice on conferences. Technically part of his regular journal rather than his blog. " Useful stuff here and presented from both the speaker and conference organiser perspectives.
Pew Report on Tagging posted at Catalogablog.
"An alert that The Pew Internet and American Life Project has released a report on tagging. David Bigwood gives a few comments on the report to whet our appetites.
Can subjects be relevancy ranked? posted at Thingology (LibraryThing's ideas blog).
Jodi says "Tim Spaulding tries to determine the most canonical results from a subject heading. He gets a bit wrong--and this has spurned (sic) some conversation on NGC4Lib--but it's an interesting idea to follow."
Jodi, that spurned would be a great answer on Verbotomy. No doubt some disdainful rejections were spawned - I know just what you mean. But let us not digress. The benefits of Tim's mental gymnastics on flights are clearly in evidence when you take a look at Librarything, and this blog post elicited some interesting ideas from its readers.

Are you on the lookout for an idea to reinvigorate your library? Or a date? Maybe this post will help. Bib-dating - who'd have thought?
Or maybe you can be inspired by Michelle McLean's Improving User Service post at The Connecting Librarian. Michelle discusses how her Library has made some changes to long-standing circulation policies and what the flow-on effects are. Also some interesting comments on this post, including one ex-library-user.

Who didn't read about this in a blog? Check out the statistics that Shaunna reports. You might also like to see some of the video responses.. Web 2.0...We Respond To We/sch Internet Access Re: Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us.
And while we are on the topics of videos....
Rebecca Newburn presents Metacafe, An Alternative to YouTube Videos posted at Information Age Education. Rebecca explains how Metacafe differs from YouTube and reports that there are a number of interesting and helpful educational videos accessible there. Apparently it is not blocked at schools and has a screening process in place.

Jimmy Atkinson presents Top 25 Web 2.0 Search Engines OEDb posted at OEDb: Online Education Database. Here are 25 new toys to play with. And I haven't tried any of them yet!
Thanks for pointing these out.
Adam presents For the Information Scientist posted at Sophistpundit. Adam Gurri continues to wrestle with his theory of information, and in this installment has a go at answering this question theoretically. "So, curious minds of science, how do you go about looking at the vastness of existence and not simply become overwhelmed?"
Looking for a more pragmatic approach? Kris Mayrhofer presents Finders Keepers: Tips for better research posted at SuccessFiles. Kris states "Most students think of each piece of information in a research project as an isolated tidbit. The truth is, however, that the best way to find new information is to work from old information." Here are 9 practical tips for students, some hi-tech, some low-tech.
And one from me...

Well that's all for this edition. The next carnival is to be hosted by The Goblin in the Library.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of the infosciences using the carnival submission form.
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